About the Global Open Data Index 2015 category

This category is for all of the discussions around the Global Open Data Index for 2015.

Please feel free to write any question or feedback you have about the Global Open Data Index and it’s process.

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Hello, I talked to @dannylammerhirt a couple of days ago he referred me to this forum for insights on the GODI 2016 methodology, but I only find some conversations and not the conclusions.
So I’m going to summarize what I know:

  • New phrasing of some of the questions for each dataset.
  • It will be clearer to understand weather a dataset can be said to exist
  • There will be some way of mentioning the generating entity, in case it’s not the national government
  • Modified weights of the different categories for each dataset will have some impact on the ranking, besides what the governments have newly opened or closed.

We are getting some questions about this so I would like to know more details about this if possible before or during the launch, which I understand is only a few weeks away.
