Entry for Company Register // Finland

NOTE: I am acting here as messenger, for people in CSO & gov, who commented. Further elaboration might be needed

Index URL: https://index.okfn.org/place/fi/companies/
In red:
It’s not publicly available
It’s not downloadable at once

Difficult to understand why rated as “not publicly available”. What might be the reason here? The data IS available, though not super-usable. There are various search criteria that are used for the API, incl. dates and others. Having search criteria does not mean it is not publicly available.

It IS true that not all data is available for downloading at once.

REviewr comment is pretty clear about it:
However, the data are available through a search mask and it is necessary to know the name or business ID of an entity in order to find it. Basic company information including business ID and address can also be searched for directly on the Finnish Patent and Registration Office’s website for free (https://virre.prh.fi/novus/companySearch). However, this time the data are in HTML format and are still available through a search mask so again, it is necessary to know the name or business ID of an entity in order to find it. Accessing more detailed information requires payment.

So it is not accessible because of the search mask. Does that helps?

I don’t quite understand this interpretation that any kind of search mask equals “not publicly available”. Especially in this case where search mask means searching with business id or business name which are basically public knowledge. It’s also a bit contradictory to interpret that “Dataset X is otherwise almost perfect in open data index but it’s not publicly available”. On the other hand there is no mention of search masks in Index Methodology. Yes the API should be better and search mask should be removed but I think this is bit too strict interpretation.