Open Data Law and Licensing Course - Brisbane - 21 Oct 2015

Baden Appleyard (@badapple) will be presenting a 3 hour course on Open Data Law and Licensing in Brisbane on 21 October from 9am-12noon.

Baden is a strong contributor to Open Knowledge through projects such as the Open Definition and Open Data Index.

His qualifications include:

I attended this course and I must say it was excellent :star: :star: :star: :star: :star:

Thanks Baden from AusGoal (a.k.a @badapple) for presenting the course and @maree from ODI Queensland for arranging it. It was a nice surprise to see Grace @grhammo at the course.

As well as being provided with some excellent resources, my key take aways were:

  • The Queensland Right to Information Act also applies to data - the law is on our side :smile:
  • If organisations change the licensing on their web sites to use CC BY (with appropriate exclusions for logos and other people’s material) then at least the data on the site can be reused, even if it isn’t machine readable. This is a really easy way to get organisations started on their open data journey.

The legal aspects of open government, privacy, copyright, licensing that were discussed were all highly relevant to the publishing and use of open data.

Curly questions on nested copyright, crowd-sourced data, derived data and sensitive data were explored and answered - sometimes with very amusing examples from actual court cases.

I highly recommend this course and suggest you keep an eye out for future courses.

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I loved this course. Highly informational and relevant to the work I do everyday!

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