The Global Open Data Index is now OPEN for submissions

Hello all!

After months of work and great feedback from all of you, the Global Open Data Index is now open for submissions - just visit

If your country is already in the index, you can help us by review and update last year’s submission. There 5 are also new datasets that are waiting for your contributions!

If you never submitted to the Index, here is the tutorial -

For more info, check out our blog post and post your questions on this post!
We are using #GODI15 on social media, so help us spread the word!


Nice work, @Mor.

And, I think “the current assessment point (September/November 2014)” in the banner text of the submission page needs to be “the current assessment point (August/September 2015).”

Great spot @jgkim - now fixed! looking forward to see your submissions. :smile:


For the tenders dataset, if a government has a policy of publishing details of all tenders above a certain value, does that still count?

@Jersey - yes. Please add a comment about it in the comments sections.

For the data emissions data set, if a country publishes data on (say) all but one of the various pollutants do we need to set “does the data exist” to “no”? That seems to be the implication of the “minimum criteria”.

Hi @Jersey - Well, this is a tough one. I would say write ‘yes’ for data exist, but write in the comments section which emission is missing. This would give us a better understanding.

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I’ve some doubts about the Government Spending assessment. The evaluation criteria tells it has to be detailed at a transactional level in order to match the evaluation criteria, but … what do you mean with “transactional level”?, what should be considered an “Individual record of transactions”?

We mean that there is a data point for each government spending, usually above $500 (or equivalent). Here is an example for the Uniter Kingdom - HMT OSCAR II: publishing from the database - GOV.UK

@trickvi - can you help to elaborate on this a bit more?

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I’ve encountered a problem: can’t update a submission to include new information and can’t add a second submission (although, for some reason, I seem to tricked the system to accept two submission on Romania / Weather Data, but I can’t replicate it :smiley:).

Workaround: I’ve added comments to the submission, so the editor can update it at review time.

Proposed long-term solution: allow logged-in contributors to update their submission before the deadline.