Open Data Day mini grant scheme is back!

Hello all,

We in Open Knowledge are truly excited about Open Data Day. This is why this year as well we return with our Open Data Day Mini grants scheme - we will awards groups from all over the world grants between $250-$350 to help and boost their events. It can be spent on food, drinks, wifi or anything that can help you make open data day better.

Read more about it on the Open Knowledge blog and apply until 14/2/15-

If you have any questions, please ask them here. :slight_smile:


Hi Mor!

Thanks for opening again this mini grant.

BTW, there are two links with an opening or a closing round bracket annoying the HTML.

My 2c


I will take the opportunity here to remind people to sign up for the mini grants!
Here is the form.

Thanks for reminder, just applied! I missed posting to event link, itโ€™s here right now, will be updated as soon as more details are covered!

@Mor is it known when grant results will be announced?

In the next 24 hours!

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Have they been announced yet? I canโ€™t find a link on the OKFN website or here or web search. Thanks.

Has there been an announced on the mini grants? Canโ€™t find anything published on this

All grant winner been announced via email. A blog post will be out later today! Sorry for the delay.!