A Open Knowledge Internacional está anunciando que está aberto o processo seletivo para a concessão de mini bolsas de 5 mil dólares do Fundo de Ferramentas para Frictionless Data para o desenvolvimento de ferramentas em software livre para o Frictionless Data .
O processo seletivo vai até o dia 30 de abril de 2019. Para maiores informações, veja a postagem no blog da OKI ou a postagem original em inglês aqui neste fórum:
Hello everyone,
Great news: Open Knowledge International, through the Frictionless Data for Reproducible Research project, is now accepting applications for the Frictionless Data Tool Fund .
Offering one-off grants of $5,000, the mini-grant scheme is open to any persons or organizations interested in developing a tool for reproducible science built using Frictionless Data tooling, specs, or software.
Read more about the fund, apply as soon as you can and share widely in your networks: Announcing the Frictionless Data Tool Fund – Open Knowledge Foundation blog
If you have any questions, feel free to ask them on Open Knowledge International’s Discuss , on our Gitter chat , or email the team at frictionlessdata@okfn.org .
Have a great rest of the day,
Best, Lieke Ploeger.