Entry for Government Spending / Mexico

In Jan 27 joint submission between civil society - Sergio Araiza- and responsibles of the open data initiative in México - Enrique Zapata-, was made in this forum to support or propose adjustments made to the Mexico submissions (Joint request to adjust Mexico 2016 GODI Submissions).

The original submission made in the category of ‘Government Spending’ disappeared from the survey, and a new submission appeared with date of March 28th, 2017 at 8:11 PM.

In accordance to the agreement made by civil society and government submitters, I would like to kindly request the reviewer of this category the following adjustments:

  1. Data is available online and without any need of registration in http://www.transparenciapresupuestaria.gob.mx and specifically here: http://www.transparenciapresupuestaria.gob.mx/es/PTP/datos_presupuestarios_abiertos and here Transparencia Presupuestaria | Datos Abiertos (Where towards the end of the site users can find and download data as with other countries qualified as compliant by the Index)

  2. Mexico’s Fiscal Transparency Portal (http://www.transparenciapresupuestaria.gob.mx) has continued improving government spending transparency. In September 2016, government spending was released in the Open Fiscal Data Package, created by Open Knowledge, supported by the Global Initiative for Fiscal Transparency and the World Bank. With this, expenditures are presented by line item, which is the highest level of budget disaggregation.
    It is worth noting that neither the International Monetary Funds’ (IMF) Fiscal Transparency Code of 2014 nor the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development’s (OECD) Council on Budgetary Governance Recommendations of 2015 make reference to transactional information as a relevant aggregate, in terms of openness, and stress particularly on coverage, comparability, fullness and relevance, establishing clear and homogenous expenditures classifications.
    In accordance to the above-mentioned and globally recognized best practices on fiscal transparency, the Mexican fiscal transparency portal: http://www.transparenciapresupuestaria.gob.mx/es/PTP/datos_presupuestarios_abiertos does provide for substantial and open spending information updated in a quarterly basis, in open formats including an API and JSON Metadata provided by the Open Fiscal Data Package.

  3. Data is free of charge under the Mexican Government Open Data License Transparencia Presupuestaria | Términos y Condiciones

  4. Data is available as CSV and xlsx

  5. Data of vendors and type of transaction can be found in the open data portal at Datos Abiertos de México - datos.gob.mx and in the Mexican Procurement Platform.

  6. The information provided by the Government of Mexico in this portal is similar, if not equal to that reported by other similar countries qualified as ‘compliant’ by the GODI such as Peru, Brazil or UK.

Dear @Enrique_Zapata

thanks so much for your feedback. We will follow up on your input and will get back to you in the coming days.

All the best

Hi @Enrique_Zapata! Just to let you know that I tried to evaluate this, but the files here are so big that I cant even open it.

@adam.kariv - since you worked on the data package and this specific protal, does it show transactional data in the case of Mexico ?