As a reminder about our process, and at the risk of being pedantic, I request that those council members who have not yet voted specifically on conformancefor O-UDA-1.0 please do so soon. We are currently 9 days into our two week time period.
I have indicated +1, as has @ldodds. @mlinksva will be abstaining.
I would like to hear from @luis, @wolftune, @rufuspollock, @petersuber, Peter Murray-Rust, @Baden_Appleyard and any other council members that see this. Even if you feel you’ve indicated your support, to avoid any ambiguity, I would appreciate another +1 to formally confirm your support.
More than two weeks have passed on this conformance vote. More than 3 advisory council members voted with their approval and there were no expressions of dissent, so the O-UDA-1.0 is now approved.
We can now add this license to the approved list.
I will initiate a draft letter to Microsoft letting them know that the license has been approved.
Many thanks to @mlinksva for bringing this to the Open Definition Advisory Council and to all those who helped with the discussion and voting.
Herb Lainchbury
Acting Chair, Open Definition Advisory Council