Linking trials through phases

Hi - firstly thank you for creating opentrials - looks like a great resource which I look forward to using.

I would like to find a way to link trials through the phases. i.e. if I am interest in a phase 2 trial - I would like to look at the phase 1 trial record as well. Is this a feasible feature? Is there a link between these phase in the documentation of trials somewhere?

Hi Jon

I think one way would be citation tracking/reference checking in available reports but it would be a good suggestion feature to clinical trial registries.

Hi Farhad

Thanks, I was hoping thought that there would be a standard regulatory procedure where prior trials are listed that is public. i.e. if a trial sponsor wants to run a phase 2 or 3 - they would have to submit a document which would contain some sort of review of the prior trials they ran (including NCT Id’s) which would be included in a trial submission type document.

@Jon That’s a very interesting idea. Unfortunately, I don’t know if this data is already available in the registries (my guess is no). If they aren’t, it sounds like an interesting data science challenge, given a list of trials and their phases. We’ll start working on normalizing the study phase data (check Normalize study_phase values · Issue #353 · opentrials/opentrials · GitHub if you want to follow the development).

If you (or anyone else) would like to give it a go after #353 is done, open an issue on GitHub and let’s discuss.