On a few hundred records in some university repository from Denmark I found that the so called Open Data DK license was used.
Version 1.0 was made in 2016 and as far as I can see it was never submitted for inclusion in the list of open licenses. The stated aim is to produce a “simple” license similar to CC-0 or CC-BY (conflating the two already gives a hint of the level of confusion):
kan sammenlignes med Creative Commons-licenserne CC0 og CC-BY.
There are a few clauses: non-endorsement, no warranty, attribution to “Open Data DK”, respect of Danish law. Someone familiar with Danish and Danish law should review it, but what does it even mean to respect Danish law? Which laws? Where?
Most importantly, the license doesn’t clearly state what kind of rights it covers. The only mention is:
immaterielle rettigheder
and then the uses possible:
giver en verdensomspændende, gratis, ikke-eksklusiv, og i øvrigt ubegrænset brugsret til data, som
frit bl.a. kan: kopieres, distribueres og offentliggøres, ændres og sammensættes med andet materiale bruges kommercielt og ikke-kommercielt,
Does it cover copyright? database rights? image rights? personality rights? trademarks? patents? Nothing is stated.
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It does not look terrible but the CC0 mention sure is confusing. Here’s an autotranslation for the convenience of other readers:
Version 1.0.Terms of use of Danish public data [13. June 2016]
The following are common, transparent, useful and simple terms for using open public data. The terms are general and can therefore be used for all open public data. To ensure uniformity where the same terms apply to all open public data, the National Board of Digitization encourages all public authorities and institutions to use the terms.
The terms are in accordance with current legislation regarding the right to re-use the public sector information (the “PSI Act”) and can be compared with the Creative Commons licenses CC0 and CC-BY.
General information
For data from their respective organizations (hereafter data) on www.opendata.dk, the following terms give us the right to use data. The terms are accepted with every use of data. The terms are regulated by Danish law. may:
- be copied, distributed and published,
- modified and combined with other materials,
- used commercially and non-commercially,
Data may not be used in a way that may appear to endorse, endorse, recommend or promote the user, the user products or services. It must be ensured that the use of data is in accordance with Danish law. Source statementWith the use of data, the following must be stated: “Contains data provided by one of the member organizations in Open Data DK” .
Member rights and responsibilities
Data is made available as is, and the members have no responsibility for any content, origin, error and any defects or any kind of damage that may result from the use of data.
Members do not guarantee the continued provision of data and may change the right to use the data and its terms at any time.
I see no real issues with the autotranslated version. The CC0 reference in that language is not anything strict. Someone who understands the original language would have to weigh in for sure. But there’s no red flags or anything.