Open data in Russia

I’d like to start this topic with my introductory post about open data development in Russia Open data in Russia. The process of public data disclosure… | by Mikhail Parfentev | Medium

In accordance with subparagraph 1 of paragraph 3 of Article 6 of the Federal Law of July 27, 2006 № 149-FZ “On information, information technologies and information protection” (hereinafter - the Federal Law № 149-FZ) the owner of the information has the right to determine the procedure and conditions for access to information and to authorize other actions with the information.

Information placed in the form of open data is publicly available (paragraph 4 of Article 7 of the Federal Law № 149-FZ), which means there are no restrictions on its use (paragraph 1 of Article 7 of the Federal Law № 149-FZ).
Decision of the Government Commission on coordination of Openness of Government Activities (absentee voting protocol of September 19, 2016 № 6 (paragraph 1, section X) approved Standard conditions of use of publicly available information posted in the information and telecommunication network “Internet” (hereinafter - the “Internet” network) in the form of open data (hereinafter - Standard conditions of use of public data).

Typical conditions for the use of open data contain an explanation of the legislation of the Russian Federation on information, information technology and data protection, the Russian Federation legislation on access to information about the activities of state bodies and local authorities, as well as regulations.
In accordance with paragraph 3 of the Protocol by the federal executive bodies entrusted with the placement of a hyperlink to the standard conditions of use of open data on the pages of the data sets in the network “Internet”, including data sets posted before the approval of the Standard Conditions of use of open data.

In accordance with paragraph 4 of the Protocol to public authorities of the Russian Federation and local authorities were encouraged to placing hyperlinks to Standard conditions of use of open data on the pages of the data sets in the network “Internet”, including data sets posted before the approval of the Standard Conditions of use of open data .
Hyperlink to place on the pages of data sets:

Здравствуй, Микаил!

Nice to see the recent progress in open data policy in Russia. We’ve had some advances in Brazil recently as well.

What I’m most curious about in Russia’s open data are the standard conditions of use. My understanding of the Russian language is quite limited, but I think I can take from paragraph 13:

13 . В соответствии с Типовыми условиями Пользователи открытых данных не ограничены в их использовании в некоммерческих и коммерческих целях.

that commercial use is allowed, is that interpretation corret?

Was compliance with the Open Definition taken into consideration, when writing the conditions of use?


Good day, Augusto @herrmann!

You are right, open data users are not restricted to use open data for commercial as well as non-commercial purposes.

I think yes, because it is quite similar to the meaning of open data.