Open Knowledge Nepal Weekly Hangout #15

Hi All,

Thanks for joining us last Sunday for projects discussion. Today on our 15th weekly hangout we are going to focus more on sustainability and outreach, keeping development on a side for a while. So, if you have any idea or suggestion which you wanna share, please join us tonight for discussion.

Date: 7th May 2017, Sunday
Time: 9:00 PM to 10:00 PM (NPT)
Where: Google Hangout (Will share the Hangout link in Slack)
Who: Everyone

Agenda of Hangout

  1. Why and How of ongoing projects?
  2. The challenge we can face while writing Survey Analysis paper.
  3. The launch of GODI16 and how to tackle controversy?

Please feel free to include others agendas.

Nikesh Balami