Open Knowledge Nepal Weekly Hangout #3

Hi Everyone,

Thank You so much for joining us last Sunday and helping us to finalize the 2017 Action Plan and projects. As discussed in the previous hangout of 8th Jan, we will start the process of becoming official Open Knowledge International Chapter soon. Meanwhile, we still have some topic in the list which needs to be discussed and finalized. So, please do join us on 15th January 2017 in our weekly hangout with you valuable suggestions.

Date: 15th January 2017, Sunday
Time: 9:00 PM to 10:00 PM (NPT)
Where: Google Hangout (Will share the Hangout link in Gitter chat room)
Who: Everyone
Chatting Room: Open-Knowledge-Nepal/Lobby - Gitter

Agenda of Hangout

  1. Listing out the requirement and features of the new website.
  2. Discussion and feedback on the draft Local Chapter Application form.
  3. Finalizing Team members details and roles.
  4. Business Model Canvas (BMC) of the organization.

Please feel free to include others agendas.

Nikesh Balami