Open Knowledge Nepal Weekly Hangout #8

Hello Everyone,

Thanks for joining us last Sunday and helping us to finalize the content for our new website. We are now almost done with our new website, we plan to launch it soon under our new domain On coming Sunday hangout, we plan to discuss some of our upcoming project and activities. If you are interested in taking part in our project, please do join us coming Sunday (19th February 2017) with all your question.

Date: 19th February 2017, Sunday
Time: 9:00 PM to 10:00 PM (NPT)
Where: Google Hangout (Will share the Hangout link in Gitter chat room)
Who: Everyone
Chat Room: Open-Knowledge-Nepal/Lobby - Gitter

Agenda of Hangout

  1. Updates on the work of Internation Open Data Day 2017 celebration in Nepal.
  2. Discussion on how to take Nepal Open Data Index forward.
  3. Premilitary planning of upcoming Data Literacy Workshop.
  4. Discussion on final estimate of materials printing.

Please feel free to include others agendas.

Nikesh Balami