Our process of finding and evaluating key datasets


Hope this is the right place to post this for further discussion.

I’ll like to revive the debate about whether datasets that require automated registration should be penalised for availability. I believe this should not be the case, given that it’s common practice to require registration for access to realtime data.

For reference, here is the thread I started back in December 2016, when I was working on the submissions:

My argument is that realtime data is inherently more valuable than aggregated data provided at monthly or even yearly basis. And countries that provide such data should not be penalised in the evaluation for providing better quality data.

@dannylammerhirt, who reviewed Singapore’s Weather Forecast dataset acknowledged this in his notes:

There are APIs not just for forecasts but readings of temperature, humidity, precipitation and wind conditions in near-realtime. The high-frequency readings are arguably more useful than forecasts, for users who are trying to analyse weather patterns. Users need to register on the Data.gov.sg Developer Portal for an API key to access the data. Registration is free and users gain immediate access after registration.
from https://index.okfn.org/place/sg/weather/

Any thoughts from others about this?


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