What interesting ideas exist to start practice data journalism?


Could you tell me please about some ideas, areas, domains, approaches where data journalism might be useful? If you know about that, could you tell me how and what kind of sources of information (urls, books and so on) I should investigate to extract necessary data? I want to find some specific problem (especially for Russia, because I am from here) and clarify it using methods of data journalism.

I need it to find myself in this profession and have more experience in this sphere. Your advice might be very helpful for me!


Thank you!

Generally the best way to start is to look for government websites, or university databases which already have done researches related to the topics you are interested in and look for data sets that you find relevant. The major problem that arises is the fact that they sometimes are inaccurate but if that be the case you wont be held responsible for that till and untill you could have found that put naturally.

You can talk to specialists on websites which post researches from around the world to get a grasp of primary sources of data of thats a possibility.