Alternative Logins e.g. Github, Facebook

This is a thread about enabling new login methods to this forum e.g. via github, facebook, twitter etc.

I have just enabled github login.

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I’ve tested that the Persona plugin works and recommend it.


Really useful to know Mike. Is Persona still quite heavily used? Also do we need to install a plugin there or does it work “out of the box” in Discourse?

Need to install a plguin. It’s never been heavily used. Is interesting because it’s open and has decent UX, a combination not found in other options.

Persona has a feature no (or few) others have: privacy. Persona is designed so that your email provider or the log-in provider doesn’t have to know what sites you log into. Of course, this is a bit moot if you then get email notifications (for the email issue anyway). Still, Persona is nice in principle, but needs to get more widespread support. It’s a critical mass / collective action issue.

I’m happy to see it supported here.

AFAICT github registration for the forum doesn’t work - I tried a few times but get a consistent error “sorry, there was an error authorising your account” error in the popup whenever I click the “github” button option on the sign up page. This is the same whether I am already logged in to github within the browser, or if I manually login in the popup.

(is this the right place to report bugs?)

Hi all, we have fixed the issue with GitHub logins and enabled Facebook login :heavy_check_mark: .
Please try it out and let us know if it works well for you.

To enable Facebook login, I created a Facebook app per these instructions on my personal account. I might have to friend an Open Knowledge sysadmin so they can also have admin rights on the app :slight_smile: too.