Why do we want to discuss about local civic dialogue:
- to learn about incentives for a good dialogue
- to get the data that i really need open
- to deal with piracy and privacy
- rural/ local research and better open data for gov
- Tangible access and assets
What do we want to get out of this (critical factors are marked with a *)?
- a good resource to refer to do as gov / civil society
- First steps for the dialogue
- help out with local activism
- ideas about growing and amplifying open data
How can we do it?
- Blame the government / blame everyone
- identify the problem / find long standing for local problem / issue *
(in order to get together put your ego aside *) - identify users / stakeholders *
- orginizing an interactive gathering with all
- states assumptions
- Declare interests
(then create an MOU for the dialogue *)
-Define terms of engagement / expected outcomes
-Vision Agenda
(The above are interactive processes)
- create a clear path to move forward
- Translate government actions to technical / policy language that allow to different stakeholders to understand what it done.
- refine the problems
All of these can help to create a code of conduct*, building trust*, have tangible assests and to go from concrete to general