The revolution starts with people, so let make a change!
Now how do we do it?
- Try to have a place in the conference to summarise what happened in the unconference.
- There are going to regional sessions and sharing the learning from here in those regional sessions.
- Create badges or raise awareness in the conference space.
- Keep going local and thinking of local context. Remind people that open data has the different meaning in different context.
- Keep asking questions about our work.
- We need to speak to more people and to educate groups about open data so they can use it.
- Ask questions at the end of the session!
- Use the learning from the unconference in our own presentations and our other pre events.
- How to look at open data production from the beginning.
- Very simple questions can be really productive to our work.
- Taking action on the actions plans we created this afternoon.
- Making sure we report back in the future about what we learned here.
- Open Data is means to social change, we need to remind it to people.
- Will take the open washing to the measurement and the open data charter.
- Look and speak to people who are not from your field in the conference itself.
- How can we include the global south in the sessions.
- Continue the conversation with people you met in the Unconference as well!
- Expirement! Trail and error is great.
- write about the unconference! Blog about it or tweet about what you learn during the event.
- Try to challenge the roadmap that we are building.
- Share your best open data fail at @rusosnith session!
- Change your session format!