@rufuspollock - check out the following response I posted to this open data stack overflow question asking for a " publicly available API for querying medicine’s descriptions":
DrugBank (http://www.drugbank.ca/) could also be a candidate, and it’s available in bulk. However, its license is not open in terms of the Open Definition due to its non-commercial restriction.
@rufuspollock As far as I know, the drug data from the FDA would not be available in bulk. The API may be the only way to get it.
@openindia thanks - that’s really useful. It does like the database has a limited amount of info on the actual drug - the main place I can it is the “ReferenceDrug” field on Product but it doesn’t link anywhere (note I have not downloaded the DB yet and looked at it so this is just based on looking at the Entity-Relationship diagram).
Yeah… openFDA does not have a bulk download. A long running request. I DailyMed’s FDA SPL XML will be the easiest place to get the bulk data but it is also messy to work with (highly nested XML)
What’re you looking to do? I might have some other ideas.
@skram in terms of what we wanted that’s listed in the top of this topic and i’ve inlined again here. It would be amazing to get your help in tracking this kind of info down.
@okfnvince super useful - thank-you for the link. The dataset there seems a text file - is the data structured and if so what are the exact fields in the dataset and does it cover every drug on the french market?
One problem with focusing on clinically approved drugs is that it doesn’t include any of the drugs that are under investigation as part of the trials.
In addition to NDC and the FDA Structured Product Label data, mentioned below, I’d add Freebase (nice because it’s already linked to a bunch of other stuff, including non-English Wikipedias) and RxNorm
I had wondered if the Iodine API might have been of use. Iodine make use of the FDA drugs list. http://www.iodine.com/api
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