Dataset no longer found on Datahub

Two days ago I could access a dataset called “twitter-2012-presidential-election” on This dataset is now gone.

I suspect this is related to the site’s makeover? The old URL where it was available is It is 404 now. Searching the name of the dataset with a search engine still leads to this URL.

Where can I find the dataset now?

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it still lives on its original servers.
hitting this in wayback gives a glimpse at the dataset.
Each dataset has its own url, which provides the dataset’s google server url, you can see this in the first dataset: cache-0-json.gz.
That datasets’ profile linked above, provides this url which is still alive.
Each dataset provides the same, so you can access them all now.
I’ve downloaded them all, but now I’m looking for where I can dump 60+gbs of data.
I think this is an ideal case/example for me to play around with dat and beaker browser, but if I understand it correctly, I’ll still have to house the data on my box, which doesn’t work for me.
Unless I’m mistaken, I can chop it all up and upload it in files that meet datahub/github file size requirements, and that is what I’d normally do. In this case, seems like much more manual/busy work than I want to do. That said, if I can’t find a more ideal solution, at some point I’ll be doing it.

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