After a review of the initial information presented in the 2016 Mexico submissions for the GODI, submitters from civil society - Sergio Araiza- and responsibles of the open data initiative in México - Enrique Zapata-, got together to dialogue, analyze and perfect the information presented in these first submissions.
This is an example of the value and benefits that the Index can bring to get civil society, citizens and government together to discuss opportunity areas for open data in the country, understand different views regarding a single issue, and agree on next steps and actions to continue working towards a robust and strengthened ecosystem in Mexico.
After these analyses, we would like to kindly request the GODI to take into account the following clarifications
Company Register
Question B.3 to include the availability of ‘Register available for entire country’
Question B5, change to ‘yes’, the data is downloadable at once.
thank you very much for your feedback. As part of the public dialogue phase we will follow up on your input and will get back to you in the coming days.
In the context of the GODI public dialogue phase, and its objective to discuss the GODI preliminary results in an open dialogue, on May 25th, 2017, Ania Calderón - Executive Director of the Open Data Charter, Oscar Montiel - International Community Coordinator of Open Knowledge International, Sergio Araiza - SocialTIC y Escuela de Datos and Enrique Zapata - General Director of Open Data in Mexico, gathered in a joint Hang Out to:
• Discuss the preliminary results for Mexico,
• Analyze the pertinence of these preliminary reviews and the existence of requested datasets in open formats, and
• Agree on submitting joint comments to be taken into account
After this exercise this group would like to kindly request the reviewers to take into account the following clarifications to the ‘Company Register’ dataset in its ‘downloadable at once’ dimension, based on the following comments:
We thank the reviewers for their time and willingness to take into account the work done jointly by civil society and government to perfect the GODI and increase its value for the open data community.
Hi @Enrique_Zapata - it’s exciting to see this online, but from the portal I saw it was added on 21/3/17. We are looking at any data sources that were added before 15/3 (the day we finish the review)
Stil, I would like to commend the Mexican government for adding this resource in bulk!
The reason of the above is that in Mexico we use an intermediary aplication for publishing open data -, In this case, when we purge harvest an organization, the ckan creations date are flushed, and recreated. That’s why we rely on the adela publish dates.