Entry for Government Budget / Iran new submissions required

This is a discussion about the submission for Government Budget / Iran new submission required .

This submissions requires an update.
Currently the Supreme Audit laws are indicated, http://www.dmk.ir/Index.aspx?tempname=enmain&lang=2&sub=0

but this is not the current budget law, which seems to be this one: http://eform.mefa.ir/portal/Home/ShowPage.aspx?Object=Form&ID=6406d2ca-c354-40d0-973c-82ea1a85dd2a&FormID=c40b7f46-5896-4c9a-9b0b-2c2fdf6c8645&RecordID=9fa67d26-72ce-44ac-a194-b5964f0b0cb2&LayoutID=86ee4bab-a190-4feb-a040-10febb6053c0&CategoryID=32079fb9-1999-4ad0-9140-d7e9164f33a0&Type=View&Slt=A73A85AB2C22DCB61F1A78D10B50B6CA063F4130.

However, I need the help of a Farsi Speaker to understand the full extent of the documents and the website: Ministry of Economic Affairs and Finance | Iran Data Portal

Hi Anna
I’m Mohammad, from transparency4Iran.

I submitted this entry incorrectly, but that time no one replied to my topic.

mefa.ir is the official portal of Ministry of Economic Affairs and Finance, but unfortunately has not yet published new year government budget. it has been published via Parliament’s research centre website: http://rc.majlis.ir/fa/legal_draft/show/1001514 also on Plan and budget organisation website: http://www.mporg.ir/Portal/View/Page.aspx?PageId=53c97db7-9f2d-4017-ac5d-82d072ee5501
unfortunately, both are PDF and not available in open formats.

as you now, irandataportal.syr.edu belongs to Syracuse university located in the US. it’s not official or/ and has some incorrect/ old data.

If i should do anything else, feel free to tell me.

Thanks so much for your swift reply. I will try to still include as much as possible.