This is a discussion about the submission for land / sg.
Singapore’s cadastral data is also available for free on the government’s open data website and map portal:
The data is available under the Singapore government Open Data Licence.
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Hi @Lin_Zhaowei,
Thanks so much for sending these sources through. I verified them and saw that they only contain parts of the data we assess (also tenure type and property value should be available). This has to do with the fact that our defined key datasets are our reference point. The source that is closest to our key dataset definition is this one:
I will make sure to add a comment in the entry so that users are aware that parts of the data are available online under an open license. As we discussed in another topic, we might change the way we measure key datasets, and factor “incomplete” data into our score.
Thanks @dannylammerhirt for the update.
Hope that the next assessment will factor ‘incomplete’ data into the scoring, as doing so would provide a fuller picture of what is and isn’t available.
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Hi Zhaowei,
Indeed, we are planning to display how many of the required data elements can be found online. Our current approach is intended to give an accurate picture of the availability of open data at specific granularity and coverage levels, containing specific key information.
In the future we will make sure to adjust this so we can highlight gaps in the data.