This is a discussion about the submission for Weather Forecast / Austria.
In general: The data available on is not structured/semi-structured data, they are offered as a maps view for general audience. So, the data is mostly inside the visual representation, but not machine-readable. The data/visualizations in this website are all copyrighted, as stated here: Impressum — ZAMG
There is one exception to this: The actual measurements of some of the weather stations. They are offered on a daily base on the Austrian OGD Portal, as linked in the GODI submission. Meteorologische Messdaten der ZAMG - Datensätze -
So from my point of view, there is no data of the 5 day-forecast available, nor is it open. The link for the license is the one from the Austrian OGD Portal, which only relates to the daily measurements file mentioned before, but not to a 5-day forecast.