Help text and tool tips - 5. Is the data available online?

As mentioned over here, I’m proposing shorter text for the nine census questions. Here’s the 5th suggestion.

Question 5: Is the data available online?

if it’s on the Internet and you can access it, it’s online. Notice that if the government emailed you the dataset but didn’t upload it to any webpage, it is not to be considered available online.


Data is online if it can be accessed via the Internet. If the data has been emailed to you but is not accessible via the Internet, it is not consider to be available online.

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Cool, I’m happy with this phrasing. Can we add and example to internet (i.e - websites, portal)?

OK @Mor, how’s this…

Data is online if it can be accessed via the Internet (e.g. a website or open data portal). If the data has been emailed to you but is not accessible via the Internet, it is not considered to be available online.

I like it better. Gear, will add.

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