I have written a blog post about how the Open Data Day events have been like in Brazil in the past years.
A reflection on the Open Data Day, what it means, why to participate, how to prepare an event, and a brief history of how has the ODD in Brazil been like for the past 12 years.
And Brazil has been a part of it from the very beginning.
It’s a good thing we have the Internet Archive to rely upon for preserving history, because I can say from experience that event pages and old wiki pages do not last long.
Ni! Que legal, Augusto, ficou massa o post! Compartilhando… hehe .~´
Eu só achei curioso o post, que fala da experiência Brasileira, estar em inglês… rs
Daí eu fui procurar e vi q vc também postou em português!
Uma reflexão sobre o Open Data Day, o que ele significa, por que participar, como preparar um evento, além de um breve histórico de como o ODD tem sido no Brasil pelos últimos 12 anos.
Portuguese: Ah, sim, postei a versão em inglês aqui porque esta área do fórum é em inglês.
English: Uh, yes, I posted the English version here because this area of the forum is supposed to be in English.
Here, I have now created a topic with the Portuguese version for discussing this in Portuguese.
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Hey Augusto! Can we cross-post this on the OKF blog too? We would of course say that it was originally published on your blog. Thanks!
Hi Sara! But of course!
Keep in mind that because it was written before ODD 2022, the text contemplates the ODD events in Brazil up to 2021.