I like your suggestion for how to make the intent of the license clear by changing 4.2 to parallel Section 3(a)(1) of CC-BY so it would read:
4.2 Notices: If You Publicly Convey this Database including as part of a Derivative Database or the Database as part of a Collective Database, then You must:
a. Do so only under the terms of this License;
It removes the confusion about if the authors of the license intended for only this Database to be publicly convey under the terms of the ODC-BY or if any Derivative Databases also would need to be distributed under the terms of the ODC-BY.
As you pointed out I also believe Section 4.4 is reasonably clear and already does the work of requiring that the Database be distributed only under the terms of the ODC-BY, including prohibiting sublicensing.
4.4 Licensing of others. You may not sublicense the Database. Each time You communicate the Database, the whole or Substantial part of the Contents, or any Derivative Database to anyone else in any way, the Licensor offers to the recipient a license to the Database on the same terms and conditions as this License. . . . .
That makes me wonder though: I read 4.2(a) as statement specifying the licensing terms, not as a notification of the licensing terms specified in section 4.4. If 4.4 is already mandating that the Database only be licensed under the terms of the ODC-BY, is it necessary for Section 4.2 to require the Database to be distributed under the terms of ODC-BY license at all?
Section 4.4 is entitled “Licensing of others”, which aligns with Section 4.4 specifying the licensing terms when the Database is communicate to others.
Section 4.2 is entitled “Notices.” so it seems out of place to me to include a term that is not about notices or attribution, but is instead about licensing to third parties. It also seems unnecessary since it appears to duplicate the work that section 4.4 is already doing. Would it make more sense to take the analogy you are making to Section 3 of the CC-BY a step further so that 4.2 only includes requirements related to “Notices” or in CC-BY parlance “Attribution”?
Section 3(a)(1)(C ) of the CC-BY reads in part:
Your exercise of the Licensed Rights is expressly made subject to the following conditions.
a. Attribution.
- If You Share the Licensed Material (including in modified form), You must:
C. indicate the Licensed Material is licensed under this Public License, and include the text of, or the URI or hyperlink to, this Public License.
Perhaps modifying Section 4.2 as you suggested and modifying 4.2(a) to read:
4.2 Notices: If You Publicly Convey this Database including as part of a Derivative Database or the Database as part of a Collective Database, then You must:
a. indicate the Database is licensed under the terms of this License;
I think changing 4.2(a) this way would parallel Section 3(a)(1)(C ) of the CC-BY, to ensure that any time a Database is distributed it includes an indication that the Database is licensed under the terms of the ODC-BY. It would also align the contents of Section 4.2 and 4.4 with their titles.
I do not think this is duplicative of Section 4.2(c )’s obligation to keep in tact existing notices since there may be no existing notices to keep in place. Nor do I think it is duplicative of Section 4.2(b) since that only requires that license text or a URI to the license text be included, but I would expect a bare link to license text to have a tough time creating, or being incorporated into, a binding contract especially without some other notice to give it context.
As it is now, if a person comes into possession a copy of Database that does not contain an affirmative statement that the Database is licensed under the terms of the ODC-BY, that person is not obligated to say so other than including a URI to the license text. There is also no guarantee how long the URI used would be valid either.