Hey Folks,
Today the EU launched a new Open Data platform on the European Structural and Investment funds.
Have a look: https://cohesiondata.ec.europa.eu/
It is actually pretty neat.
Cheers, Anna
Hey Folks,
Today the EU launched a new Open Data platform on the European Structural and Investment funds.
Have a look: https://cohesiondata.ec.europa.eu/
It is actually pretty neat.
Cheers, Anna
Thanks Anna for this pointer,
it’s a good move indeed as I believe it’s the first time we have EU % of co-financing + amount per program.
Unfortunately, we still do not have access to data on beneficiaries - should be provided by EU member states.
We wrote a report few Months ago about EU funds transparency.[1]
Here is what we recommended regarding transparency of beneficiaries:
Extend the Financial Transparency System to all EU funds by centralising or federating detailed data expenditures from Members States, non-EU Members and international organisations. Data on beneficiaries should include, when relevant, a unique European identifier of company, and when the project is co-financed, the exact amount of EU funding received, the total amount of the project and all other co-financing sources.
So we are not still there yet.