Some of you may be aware that there is currently an Open Banking Initiative [1] running in the UK. The initiative is a result of government reforms to encourage more openness in the sector [2]. Part of those reforms are a requirement to publish open data about branch locations, banking products, etc.
The initiative has recently begun to publish data under an “open licence” [3]. This has already prompted some public comment on whether the licence conforms to the open definition [4].
While I’m hopeful that the Open Banking initiative with both submit the licence for review here and listen to feedback, I thought I would proactively draw the group’s attention to the licence.
I’m not affiliated with the initiative, so am not asking for a formal review, but as this is a high profile initiative that might inform similar activities in other countries, I thought it worthwhile to encourage wider comment and collect feedback on the licence.
If anyone has thoughts on the licence that they’d like to share here, then I’m happy to collate them into some feedback to be shared with the initiative.
[1]. https://www.openbanking.org.uk/
[2]. Open Banking revolution moves closer - GOV.UK
[3]. Cookie Policy - Open Banking
[4]. mapgubbins - Open banking: how not to write an open data licence