Open Data in Singapore

Singapore ranked 17th in the last Global Data Index. However, Singapore is neither a Chapter, nor Established Group, Affiliates, Hibernated Group in the Open Knowledge Network.

The Singapore government supports an open data portal. I assume there must be some people in Singapore using the portal. I’m looking for one or more people to speak to a group in Singapore, ISKO - Singapore chapter, (International Society of Knowledge Organisation) about open data in Singapore. I contacted the Singapore open data portal asking they contact me. No response.

I’ve asked a few people I know in Hong Kong. None have any contacts in the Singapore open data community.

If anyone knows someone in Singapore working with open data please ask them to contact me.

Bill Proudfit
Hong Kong


Bill P.

Hi, Bill.

Perhaps you could look at the list of contributors to the Open Data Index to find out people working with open data in Singapore. When you click on each item of the breakdown by dataset category, you can see the names of contributors. Some of them might even be in this forum.

For instance, @Lin_Zhaowei is credited with the budget submission for Singapore in the Open Data Index.


Thank-you. I will try that!

Bill P.
Hong Kong

You can try talking to Hallam Stevens too. He’s a historian at NTU, but has studied the OD community in Singapore. See Open data, closed government: Unpacking | First Monday

Hi Scott - thank-you very much.

Bill P.