We have looked at the results of the Open Data Index for the Netherlands. It seemed that it was not filled in. Together with some government agencies we have looked at the index in the sheet below you’ll see in the left column the result of the index and in the right column the CHECK (review).
Hi Arjan,
I have looked at this and here is the official OKI response -
It seems like there is still confusion about characteristics. We took a holistic approach this year, and only datasets that met all of our characteristics were accepted. Also, I had an issue to access some datasets and got a 404 on some of them (including the Parliament API).
Wha was changed -
Addresses - there is a web service, and it fits the entire criteria.
Procurement - was changed, but there is still a license issue, see my reviewer comments.
What wasn’t change -
Air Quality - the link- http://inspire.rivm.nl/sos/eaq/api get 404. Looking for it on google showed it in a repo, so it’s tough to find and access. Users who doesnt this link exist simply can’t access the data.
Weather - do not fit our criteria, so I am leaving Danny’s submission as is. Also, see comment from the government - KNMI is limited in adding too much detail in the forecast output (due to national law restrictions). This brings the question why the government will even restrict the days of the forecast?
Government spending - dataset does not fit our criteria
Elections results - only one city publishes in poll station level - Dordrecht . This shows that data is counted in poll station level, but it’s not published as such.
Water quality - does not fit the criteria at all. Companies publish in PDF; data bank publishes only problematic areas and not all water in source. Basically, data criteria does not exist in an accessible unified way.
Legislation - I could not access the API, therefore, could not assess it. Also, I had to dig through the documentation that was sent to us in the spreadsheet to find any link to an API.
Cadastre was found - but does not fit the criteria of tenure type and property value, so it is marked as 0%
Some comments on the excel were very short and had a lot of missing links. For the future, please comment only through the forum, opening a thread to each dataset.
No more changes will be done after today, but I hope my feedback will help in some way!
Parliament - https://opendata.tweedekamer.nl/ - API access requires a login.
Air Quality API: http://inspire.rivm.nl/sos/eaq/api/v1/
Weather can be found here: Welcome - KNMI Data Platform - KNMI Data Platform
The national election results of 2012 and 2010 are published in EML standard on polling station level: https://data.overheid.nl/data/dataset/verkiezingsuitslag-tweede-kamer-2012/resource/2858a51c-0791-458d-95bb-1f0e4a3ac171 and https://data.overheid.nl/data/dataset/verkiezingsuitslag-tweede-kamer-2010/resource/c544d7b1-1c64-4f70-a0f0-294cc940372f → NB it is on the level of polling stations but addresses not included, only postalcode and number. In this year’s election the EML has not been published yet and there is a chance that the Election Council won’t be able to publish the results completely due to technical and administrative problems currently under debate in parliament.
The national legislation is in XML - Repository | Beschrijving Service - documentation can be found here http://koop.overheid.nl/producten/bwb/documentatie#sru_interface - We wondered why there was no bulk download possible and here they say that the whole is 90GB which should not be a problem for download. https://data.overheid.nl/data/dataset/basis-wetten-bestand
But there are more issues:
Procurement: the bulk historical data with awarded contracts is being published per 6 months. This consists of a summary table and not all information on the portal. The question is whether how up-to-date the information is. In terms of tenders, only the last 25 tenders are published in an rss feed. Also the format is not in csv or JSON. In the xlsx files there are remarks and formatting issues.
In terms of licensing we have also remarks, because why are a great number of datasets which contain exclusively facts, ie. Central Bureau of Statistics and Cadastre, licensed as CC BY and not preferably in CC0 or Public Domain. There are no legal grounds why these datasets should not be licensed as such.
The Company Register is closed in the Netherlands, no bulk, no free access, etcetera.
On Government spending: the question is whether this is acquisition or expenses, including tenders and subsidies. On national level, government income and expenses on cost level are published on https://opendata.rijksbegroting.nl (twice a year). Which includes government grants on national level. The disadvantage of the acquisition data is that it is aggregated. No totals or actual amounts are being given.
Hi Arjan and Mor,
I’m projectmanager for the financial open data at the Dutch Ministery of Finance. In the country review I see with Government Spending that my colleague Pieter van Aken is listed as reviewer. He is responsible for the acquisition data and not the whole spending of the government. So you are right in the feedback.
These sites provide the data for the government spending (also available in English):
We are working hard to improve our data and welcome any form of feedback. If you have any questions you can contact me.
Kind regards,
Arvin Koopmans