Sorry new and not sure where to post!

I’ve been using timemapper no issues but today I’ve noticed it’s not working any more?

Original data here: LaRoyal Show Timeline - Google Sheets

Can anyone advise on how I fix this?


I am new also and just saw your post. I posted to the forum lately but no reply. How long was your timemapper active before disappearing, do you know why it is not working? Sorry for the barrage of questions, my timemapper forms part of my thesis and I am worried the same will happen before it reaches the marking!!

Hi, been using it for over a year? shame no one has responded to help, I’ve removed the page from my website as it’s now useless.

Hi @fastfemme. I just checked with our team and the tool seems to be working fine. If there are technical issues it’s likely someone on the gitter chat for TimeMapper can help okfn/chat - Gitter