Bug on the submission website > Help needed

All right Rufus and Mor, I understand your positions, although I do not
share them entirely:

  • regarding collaborations between civil society and gov during the process
    of submitting, I totally agree that submitting together can be a great way
    to get a chance to discuss all the subjects at once physically and expose
    the actual problems to the people in charge
  • but regarding solo contributions coming from gov people actually in
    charge of what they are ranking, I really do not see how it can help having
    necessarily biased view. Governments use the census to promote their work
    so they will naturally always tend to present a nicer picture of the
    reality. The only case were I would see it useful would be if absolutely
    nobody from the civil society would fill the census in a country, in which
    case I personnally have a hard time to believe such countries have official
    dedicated teams.

We collabore regularily at Regards Citoyens with Etalab and I met with
Claire-Marie a few times already, this is not the question here.
Our experience in France last year showed that contributions from Etalab
were deliberately ignoring known issues. Similarily, Claire-Marie’s
discussed contribution here on procurements says it is fully open whereas
we both know not even half of the national procurements are included in the
released data…

So yes, of course these contributions will be commented, and
counter-contributions will be submitted, but I believe a debate in the
community on the matter of such contributions might be relevant.
