title: Load into DataStore error 409 with rdf/turtle ontology
slug: rdf-turtle-datastore-error-409
username: jziemer
dataset: https://datahub.io/dataset/fro-test
Hope someone can help …
The purpose is to make US laws & regulations available for SPARQL querying on semantic.ckan.net/isparql/.
The test data set has 3 resources, rdf/turtle OWL ontology files. Two resources (US_LegalReference.ttl, LegalReference.ttl) load into the DataStore successfully. Resource (Code_Federal_Regulations.ttl) fails with error 409.
Protégé can open all 3 files open at the original source. And all have same header starting with "#baseURI: " - no extra keys in row one.
Many thanks
Error: CKAN DataStore bad response. Status code: 409 Conflict. At: https://datahub.io/api/3/action/datastore_create.
HTTP status code: 409
Response: {“help”: “https://datahub.io/api/3/action/help_show?name=datastore_create”, “success”: false, “error”: {“records”: ["row "1" has extra keys "# baseURI: http://finregont.com/fro/cfr/Code_Federal_Reg…
Requested URL: https://datahub.io/api/3/action/datastore_create