Can you explain why the current score for Belgium on election results is 0%, while last year Belgium was graded 70% (with exactly the same website and same information available online, and no elections in 2015/2016) ? Thank you
Dear @barthanssens,
we will look into this case again, and I will get in touch with our reviewer to discuss the differences in the results. We will get back to you in the coming days.
All the best
As discussed in another thread we applied the dataset definitions in a more rigorous way to make the ranking more reliable and to compare countries against the same standard. This year we rejected all countries for evaluation that did not meet our granularity criteria for election results (polling station level).
Last year we let our reviewers decide as to whether they should reject or accept a submission. We saw however that this approach was sometimes inconsistent and could lead to unfair assessment.
As we discussed in another thread, we will discuss this point with the NDI, and will get back with an answer how we will treat this case in the future.