Entry for Land Ownership/ Colombia

Dear @codrina,

I made the submission for Land Ownership/ Colombia, however new information has become avalaible, I encourage you to take into account the following information for the evaluation:


Best regards,

Dear @lawix2001,

thank you very much for your feedback. As part of the public dialogue we will follow up on your input, and will get back to you in the coming days.

All the best

Dear Danny
I hope for this feedback

Hi @lawix2001

Unfortunately we cannot accept any newly added data after we have closed the review. We appreciate the advancements made in Colombia and can acknowledge the additional source in Colombia’s results page as a comment, though.

All the best

hi @dannylammerhirt the following links were presented within the time limit, I appreciate if they are reviewed and evaluated again:


Hi @Juan_Felipe_Devia_Ro,

I verified and the links you provided were indeed submitted on March 10.

The problem is, neither of them contain all the data we are assessing. I see that http://geoportal.igac.gov.co/ssigl2.0/visor/galeria.req?mapaId=23 leads to a nice viewer of parcel locations. Unfortunately, I am not able to see parcel value or tenure type linked to each of these parcels. So we cannot consider this link for our assessment. On a general note, the data is not provided in machine-readable format, and cannot be downloaded, as I see in the interface.

The other link you provided leads to a general map of Colombia.


Hi @dannylammerhirt, thank you very much for your specific feedback.


Hi @Juan_Felipe_Devia_Ro

Happy it is useful. We are aware that this year’s bar is fairly high and are very keen to learn from your perspective what the blocks are to provide this data. This helps us to get better in our assessment (where shall we look online, what data should we look for, etc.)
