I recently found out about esamverka.se that is an initiative for swedish authorities to collaborate around digitalisation issues.
They have a hackathon annually I think and there are rumours that they are planning for some kind of civil society organisation to benefit from their hackathons.
Perhaps this could be a good thing for us to collaborate around here!
Yeah I can imagine they are, the Hack For Sweden project has been on pause but they just recently did an internal hackathon to spur more goverment innovation among employees.
For sure! Youâre also welcome to engage in a project like Handlingar.se!
I plan to contact competent authorities to find out how the âregulatory sandboxesâ will be implemented in Sweden. This is article 57 in the AI directive of the EU.
I suppose handlingar.se would be very useful for this purpose. Is anyone else here interested in this?
The reason I am interested in this is that the purpose of this clause is to facilitate the creation of âan ecosystem ofâ service providers, and also startups will be able to have support from the sandbox environments.
I strongly recommend using Handlingar.se for this and starting out with testing a FOIA request with a forulation like the following:
âI would like to request a list of documents created by the authority in regards to the implementation of the Article 57 in the AI directive implemented by the EU member countriesâ.
This is good in order to get a grip of if the work has even started.
Iâll gladly discuss more with you! Probably this is also interesting to https://dfri.se where I am also active
I agree itâs interesting. It sounds very abstract and potentially like it can become a big spender of tax payer money, perhaps with or without impact.
Jag har tÀnkt mycket pÄ just detta kring hur de nya standarderna utvecklas och vikten av att det sker i miljöer som Àr inkluderande och transparanta.
Har ni tankar pÄ hur det i praktiken ska gÄ till?
Det skulle vara bra om vÄra digitala infrastruktur till vÀsentliga delar lÄg uppe pÄ som öppna protokoll sÄ att vem som helst som kan och vill kan ha insyn i systemen och Àven förbÀttra dessa.
Det Àr ocksÄ viktigt att det Àr en bra stÀmning i olika sammanhang dÀr folk trÀffas för att diskutera system som utvecklas. GÀrna trÀffar bÄde fysiskt och digitalt.
Kanske Àr vi pÄ vÀg Ät ett sÄdant hÄll. Jag ser att föreningen dfri har ett öppet möte den 9/9 dÀr man diskuterar en e-legitimation gjort med öppen kÀllkod.
Ăr det nĂ„gon hĂ€r som har koll pĂ„ den AI-regulatoriska sandlĂ„dan som kommer frĂ„n EUs AI-direktiv?
I Open Knowledge Sweden har den frÄgan inte varit uppe Ànnu, det Àr en mindre förening med mindre aktivitet Àn DFRI. Jag har inte heller varit det i DFRI-sammanhang. Större chans att du fÄr svar om det om du frÄgar pÄ DFRI-mejlinglistan eller DFRI-chatten pÄ Matrix.