Can you help in maintaining If you know of a data portal that isn’t listed on, please add it by filling out a simple online form.
If you have any questions or improvement ideas for the submission process, please reply below.
I noticed that someone just tried to correct a data error in by doing a pull request on GitHub. This is something most people won’t do (and I’m not even sure if it’s an appropriate way to make a change - @mattfullerton?).
We don’t have modify and delete functions on yet, so what is the best way to instruct people to provide updated information?
Whatever it is, we should add some instructions on the About page and/or at the top of the Add a Portal form?
The portal entry that seems not to exist any more is The Korea Data Hub. As far as I know, the portal had developed by Open Knowledge Korea, but unfortunately the portal and its own site cannot be reached, not being maintained.
Hi @Stephen, Sorry for the maintenance issue of Korea Data Hub.
For now It’s active but the URL is changed, so I want to update this page. But when I checked the catalogs, somehow this is not matched to the page. Should I let you know by just replies or do pull request with modified catalogs.csv?
Anyway, is also active now, so it should be the publisher for the page and the URL for the data portal is to be Of course the status should be ‘active’ now so that it could be displayed on the main page of
Sorry @Jersey there is a big backlog of data portals to check and publish on the site. I’m afraid it’s a case of too few volunteers spread thinly across many projects.
I’m wondering if a different model, less dependent on a few individuals, may be a better way.