seems to be down since a couple of days, as in particular the link Open Data Commons Open Database License (ODbL) v1.0 — Open Data Commons: legal tools for open data is not quite without importance, could whoever is responsible have a lookt at the matter?
Also reported in a prior post Open Data Commons licences
Open Knowledge sysadmin team led by @vitorbaptista are looking into this and we should have this back up asap.
Thanks for the report. This is fixed. It was an issue with a misconfigured DNS. I added monitoring so we get act upon these issues quicker next time.
Thanks for fixing the issue!
Seems as if the site is down again, see currently not reachable · Issue #8 · okfn/opendatacommons · GitHub (not really clear where to report issues)…
Thanks for reporting Simon (reporting here on the forum is fine) - we are looking into this. It appears the site was hit with a DDoS attack. I’ll update here when we know more.