Idea Brainstorm

This topic can be used to brainstorm your suggestions for new ventures.

At OE, we are always striving to get involved in new projects. Do not be shy, and write down your suggestion! Our role is to find you the right conditions and fulfil your needs, so that you can run your project. I am sure you will find someone interested to get involved in your project as well.

Because you are explicitly asking, I have to fast forward a bit and ping the moderators and admins, for I require the attention of possibly the right people.

How do I start? Let me iterate on the idea.

We as TransforMap, kicked-off with the slogan Mapping All Alternatives in March last year, have since developed a certain momentum towards our aim to cartograhically visualize Alternative Economies and Social Innovation. Yet we are witnessing the challenges of self-organized, decentralized labour within civic initiatives. Especially in regards of trying to establish a collaborative data model for sustainability-related activities, maintaining and using our communication infrastructure and finally getting those currently 200+ maps aggregated.

Based on our initiators background within the cooperative economies, we are now extending our aims to the broad field of social innovation and prepare a consortium to answer the current CAPS call ICT-10-2015 (a) within the Horizon 2020 programme.

I am currently refactoring one approach to our proposal, whilst relying on early sketches and following incarnations. I have concentratedly subsumed my approach in our new wiki.
It is converging with another idea documented in the old wiki which both are going to be developed further from Mid-February until Mid-April.

The Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research is willing to take responsibility over one Work Package, where I will provide a small, but heavily networked institution that shall be responsible for communication and coordination work only.

Why I felt the hesitation to write immediately is a due break against informational overload. I have exposed myself to too many resources while preparing this threefold approach (roughly correlating with Work Packages):

  1. Open Ecosystems : Portable Infrastructure, Software Development and Data Curation
  2. Local Interventions : Concrete, direct interaction with local communities throughout Europe to harvest their requirements and harness those into productive constraints
  3. Commoning and Governance : International Comparability, Dissemination and Preservation of the momentum

To achieve this we’ll be identifying docking points with former projects and create a clear narrative within the next few months.
But for the next two weeks I will have to take this break from TransforMap and TransforLab, to prepare the intense application writing time mentionned above. I am going to invest a half week engagement for the time writing.

Other organizations next to the PIK and id22 who are being invited are Edgeryders, OuiShare, quatorze and Ecobytes, to name a few.

We also intend to request Letters of support from loosely coupled, possibly larger organizations that can donate general advisory to our effort. Special care will have to be taken to equally geographically distribute the partners.

For the Open Knowledge Fundation I propose a more directorial role within the Commoning and Governance track, knowing all of them will have to be intermingled.

Please let me know if you are interested in hearing more, esp. @jcmolloy and @rufuspollock, as you are the only names I know over here. I am about to finish a more thorough, linear narrative by the end of the weekend, before I have to commit myself to the silence for once.

Hi @almereyda,

In the name of Open Economics Work Group, I would like to thank you for your time and suggestion.
It is definitely something very interesting. I missed the goal and objective for this project of yours, even though I understood where you need our help.

It is a proposal that involved more than one work group, as you said, but there is something we can do with this work group - namely to find those maps and list the necessary conditions to deliver a well-done job. There is more we can do about the project - Mostly related to research.
I am telling you this because it is very interesting for us too. However, since the group has just restarted and I am not sure how many of us are willing to get involved, I do not want to commit to something I am not sure if we can deliver in the future or not. That said, I am going to wait for @rufuspollock reply to, first, see if OK is interested in being part of this project and, secondly, to know where OE would fit and if we can help.

Thank you once again, @almereyda.

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Thank you for the kind words. I’ll stay patient and wait for further questions before reframing the narrative.