Hi fellow students of science,
i am a well learned but currently unemployed marine biologist and also a, what we call, a “Survivor of Psychiatry”.
We have a little (among others) but fast growing community on facebook:
It has been suggested that “Truth and Reconciliation” is possible:
I believe that change is possible and necessary and that one or two unbiased database projects would faciliate that cause:
- A psychological case database, where afflicted individuals can report their ailments with respect to common occurences, but without censoring by labeling etc.
- A complaints database about psychiatric abuse.
As a non-expert in the field of publishing, i would love to hear your suggestions to this, especially, off course, whether it would be possible on your platform and if, how. But i am sure it would be worth the while in a agreeable financial setting, wouldnt need much (but welcome) peer review and would be an interesting read for many.
But mostly it could show:
- Many common aspects within the single categories and in the various mental afflictions as well, with the possibility to show strong and scientific valid support for a non-materialistic genesis and treatment possibility.
- Lead the way to a compensatory and human-rights based change in modern psychiatry.
I hope you can share my concerns and can respect this approach.
Best wishes, Christian Mayer. (sorry if i didnt respect all rules etc., this site is a bit overwhelming…)