I’ve checked Brazil’s National Map dataset [1] and it seems to have been last updated in 2013. This doesn’t comply with one of the minimum criteria “Updated at least once a year.”.
As a consequence, should Brazil lose all points on the “National Map” category, and mark it as if no dataset existed at all?
After giving some thought into it I believe that being up-to-date should never be part of minimum criteria for a dataset to qualify. Otherwise, there’s no point in having a “is it up-to-date” question.
The way the methodology is set up, if the dataset qualifies, the answer to that is automatically “yes”. If it doesn’t, the question is not even to be considered. So it does not make sense to have being “up-to-date” as both a criteria for qualification and a question.
Speaking of methodology, the methodology page [1] linked to in the about page gives a 404 error.
Thank you for the pointer. @herrmann - description of dating time should assist you in answering question 9. Here it is from the methodology -
Include how often the dataset needs to be updated- Currently, we use the “Is this timely” question in the Index survey. However, different datasets reasonably have different times in which they are updated. Adding this characteristic to the dataset definition can help users answering this question
This was added since in past here we didnt specify how often a dataset should be updated, and it caused confusion for users.
I will fix the links now. In the meanwhile, here is the full methodology -