National Statistic - Colombia

Dear @tlacoyodefrijol i would like to mention some additional information regarding the open license for “National Laws”. The open license available at the DANE (Departamento Administrativo Nacional de Estadística) has a restriction for use and commercialization of information, however this restriction does only apply to current employees of the DANE . Therefore, yesterday, the DANE has made some modifications to their open license in other to make explicit that the users can use, reuse, transform and commercialize the data

In the following link is the open licence:

Thank you @tlacoyodefrijol

Hi! @FrankaVaughan and @dannylammerhirt the following links were presented within the time limit, I appreciate if they are reviewed and evaluated again

Hi @Juan_Felipe_Devia_Ro,

Thanks for getting back. UNfortunately the license is not openly licensed. I see that you have highlighted the passage which explains use restrictions. The problem is that according to the OpenDefinition 2.1 “the license must not discriminate against any person or group.” This is an absolute requirement for legal openness, and once one user group is excluded from re-use or commercial use, the license is not open.

I’m also not sure I understand why members of DANE should not be granted rights to commercialise this data if anyone else is able to commercialise it. It would be interesting to hear from you what the reasons are. We will be doing more substantial research around this and want to assist governments where we can. So any feedback why you restrict commercialisation to some groups are more than welcome!

For any further questions how to design an open license please consult our open definition working group.

Hi @dannylammerhirt It happens that in some cases, in the past DANE workers have benefited from that information that is free. However, at the time of publication any person may have access without any restriction, as shown in the license.