Open data index entry for Land ownership and Locations / Uruguay

Hi @gustavo_uy,

as I can see you are indeed providing postcodes for Uruguay. The issue is just that these include post codes and postal zones (zonas postales), which are however not equivalent with addresses. In our assessment this year we however only consider post codes with addresses associated to each postcode. If you know of such a dataset, let me know!

We are aware that our criteria this year are fairly strong, and many countries did not meet the mark. In the upcoming edition of GODI we will be more inclusive and allow to submit and review also partial datasets which do not include addresses (see for more background information our review diary here)

As to the land ownership dataset (see also your response here). It contains mostly all characteristics, but I’m not sure I can see tenure type (tenure type is not entirely obvious for me when looking at your metadata). Can you help interpreting it? I assume Codigo Regimen shows the tenure type?