Open Knowledge Germany group here in the OK Directory

@juliakloiber @Anna_Alberts @ddie @pudo

I wanted to invite Open Knowledge Germany folks go get a “group” going here on the forum:

It would be really nice to have this :slight_smile: Having a group on here with its own badge and category and with members having a profile is really crucial to the functioning of the community directory:

For my part I now use the directory functionality invaluable and am using it all the time :smile:

/cc @Mor

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Given the number of posts about Germany, I’ve made an OK Germany local group.

Based on Open Knowledge Foundation Germany I have assigned @ddie as owner of the

Based on @rufuspollock’s post above, I have made @juliakloiber, @pudo and @Anna_Alberts members of the group.

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Thanks, I feel very community-managed.

This is great! Thanks.

Now people can also find us on the forum :slight_smile:

Cheers, Anna