Dear Open Data Community,
As you might have heard already, we at Open Knowledge Belgium will have a #Diplohack,
Which is a 24-h transparency hackathon dedicated to build applications/visualizations
Based on the EU open data to make the decision making process more transparent.
It is run jointly with the Council of the EU and the Dutch Presidency of the Council.
Diplohack will take place in Brussels in the building of the Council, on 29-30 of April.
On the first day we will have a Data Market (10:00 - 14:00) for our hackers to give them overview about data and tools available. Our partners from the EU institutions will be present with their data.
From our side, we would like to strengthen the visibility of civil society actors and open data community.
We’re looking for tools / data / experts that have something to do with EU data and transparency.
We are inviting everyone who is interested and can make it to Brussels on the 29-30 of April, to come and join us.
If you do, you are expected to come at 09:00 to the building of the Council of Europe for set-up, and stay at least until 14:00 for the Data Market. Then you are most welcome to stay at the event as a mentor for hackers and/or for the final pitching and closing reception the next day.
Should you make it, let us know, and we can arrange all the practical questions such as badges to enter the building, promotional materials and others.
You can also participate remotely with your app / tool / project - just let us know about it and we will do our best to communicate it to our hackers!
If you have any questions, ask me - I am more than happy to answer all of them!