Updates on Blog upgrades

Hi all!

As you know, in the last couple of months we have been working on upgrading the blog. We have got some feedback from the network about needed features to their blog and we added them. If you can, please check the latest upgrade and tell us if it is ok.

@mattias @arielkogan @nikeshbalami

the template option still is not available for the pages.

btw: it would be great to beeing able to use piwik for the website to track interactions.

Hi @Mor, Yes the changes which I want in the blog are already integrated and it’s already looking nice.


Same here.

And yes I am also advocating for Piwik as alternative to Google Analytics, a request which was denied before the WP instance was migrated earlier this year. It should work well with a multi-site. No Prying Google Eyes: Piwik Web Analytics For Wordpress along with WP-Piwik plugin that people can configure themselves. WP-Matomo Integration (WP-Piwik) – WordPress plugin | WordPress.org

Btw: I just did a bug report based on feedback from visitors saying that blog did not pass W3C validation.

I have my own instance running, so it would at least be nice to be able to add the piwik snippet to our ok-at instance. but multisite would be nice too of course.

@stefankasberger Can you give more information on this so we can fix this?

there are 2 ways how this can be solved:
1: centrally by OKI. add piwik to analyse visitors to the multisite installation and allow every chapter to get access to the piwik data. OKI coordinates, maintaines and hosts piwik.
2: decentralized: allow every chapter to connect its own piwik instance and let them organize access to piwik. i can offer my piwik instance for example to others, but without any guarantee of general support. but the last 3 years i am running it never a problem appeared.

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Strongly in favour of these 2 possible scenarios.