Hi all!
In the last month @dannylammerhirt, @tlacoyodefrijol and myself are busy in reviewing, doing QA and prepping the index for our launch on May 2nd. While we doing so, we do follow the comments here, but not necessary replying. We are happy to see government and civil society interacting with the index even before its launch!
However, we are trying to work in a way that will make the index valid and reliable, and therefore we are not always responsive here since we are trying not to look at any post that was done in the last three weeks, this will allow us to look at a specific point in time and not to be all over the place. We do promise that after the launch we will make sure to answer each thread when needed. In addition, we closed global.index.okfn.org for submission. This is done to avoid confusion with our own review work.
As always, we are transparent, and we can see our work on our GitHub account - GitHub - okfn/opendatasurvey: The Open Data Survey application (including our content work!).
Please keep writing in the forum, we are not ignoring you at all
Looking forward to your comments!