Submissions 2016 closed, thank you all!

Hello everyone,

First of all, hope you are all having a great first week of the year.

As you may have noticed, Submissions for the Global Open Data Index are now closed. Right now the survey looks like it’s empty but don’t worry, all your submissions are there, safe and ready to be reviewed.

We want to thank all of you who submitted or commented the entries for this year. It is you, the community, who make the Index a useful tool for evaluation and advocacy for more and better government open data.

If you have any further questions or need to mention something additional about submissions or data sets, please contact us here or at index[at]okfn[dot]org


Hello! When is the review phase supposed to end? I think you also mentioned than after review, the governments should be able to comment on the results. Will you need some contacts from submitters and local experts?


Good job everyone on getting the survey done!

@tlacoyodefrijol, when is the review process going to start?

I was supposed to be the on the review team of the submissions for Brazil, but I’m still getting the “You do not have permissions to review this submission” message.

Hi @mrybi @hermann The review process will start until the end of January. We’ll let everyone know through the forum about those dates.

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Hi @tlacoyodefrijol, can you also tell me when the final GODI 2016 will be released? I might have missed it, but I haven’t seen any post on this yet. Thanks

I read somewhere that it was scheduled for a March 2017 release. I can’t remember or find the source, though.

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I find the release date: Is this a strict December 10th deadline? - #2 by Mor


That is correct, we will launch the Index by the end of March.

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Any news on the GODI schedule, @tlacoyodefrijol?

I’m nearly done reviewing the submissions for Brazil, but would like some additional time to take a look and help in reviewing the entries for Mozambique, as I am a native Portuguese speaker.

Hi @tlacoyodefrijol

Thanks again for all the updates !
My government is asking when can they expect to start commenting the results, and if they have been reviewed so far ? If you have any more update or progress to share, we’ll be glad to hear about it.

Cheers & courage !

I would like to know too :slight_smile: seems GODI is getting more and more important, because more and more people in CZ are asking about the results.


@hermann, we have started with reviews but you can still take a look at Mozambique during this week in case you have time.